Empowering Home Cooks with Voice-Activated Recipe Assistance The Client Our client is a vibrant couple residing in the heart of Raleigh, North Carolina. This power duo comprises a talented chef and a skilled professional serving as the purchase head for a reputable construction company.  In addition to their professional pursuits, they also revel in the...

Discover the power of our groundbreaking NLP-based solution, featuring a friendly and engaging user experience to revolutionise the traditional data churning process, reducing the learning curve and allowing users to effortlessly access data querying and analytics through simple English queries. Experience the instant availability of everyday data insights that are crucial for businesses. The Client...

How Brew Studio designed a bespoke irrigation system that allowed plant owners to remotely water their plants, while solving various challenges such as overwatering, customization, and traceability, among others. Innovative Plant Care for the Modern Traveler Our clients, a cute couple from the suburbs of Mumbai, had a passion for travelling. They were also plant...
